VIF Registration Link

The Town of Southington in conjunction with the Southington Commission for Persons with Disabilities has established a Special Needs Registry at the Southington Police Department Dispatch Center to assist residents with special needs in the event of emergency or evacuation. This includes but is not limited to events such as floods, fire, severe winter storms, etc. Some examples of needs are residents with wheelchair or mobility issues and/or residents that require oxygen on a daily basis. Detailed information is contained on the registration forms.

Due to the importance for our residents with special needs and to ensure our residents that their information will only be used in the event of an emergency, the Southington Commission for Persons with Disabilities follows the HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accounting Act) privacy laws in accordance with not releasing information to any individual not required to have such information.


What is the 911 Special Needs Registry?
A special needs registry is a database that contains information that will assist emergency responders when responding to an emergency at the home of individuals who have special needs.

Is this the same as the state 911 Information?
The Southington Special Needs Registry will collect the same information as the State, but will gather additional information that will assist local emergency responders. The information required by the state will be provided to them by the Southington Speical Needs Registry for inclusion into the state 911 system.

What if I don’t have a land line?
Use of the special needs registry does not require a phone line. Many people reporting an emergency might be using cell phone or third party may be making the call. The registry information is based on the Southington street address information as submitted on the form. If you move prior to the annual verification, you must notify the Southington Commission for Persons with Disabilities that you have moved.

What measures are use to keep the information private?
The Public Safety Answering Point (Police Station) by law are restricted areas with access limited to authorized personnel only. No information at the public safety answering point can be accessed by hacking into the systems. As soon as the Southington Commission for Persons with Disabilities receives a form, they will only take down the name, address, code and the date the form comes in. Then, the form is taken directly to the Police Station.

How is the special needs registry information gathered?
The forms will be made available through the Southington Commission for Persons with Disabilities, Town Hall, the Library, Board of Education and through other means. If you wish to have one mailed to you directly, just write to the Southington Commission of DisAbilities.

Southington Commission for Persons with Disabilities will keep all information confidential. All forms will be kept at the Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP).

How would someone make a change to the information?
You can write the Southington Commission for Persons with Disabilities indicating the change. Additionally, an annual verification form will be mailed to those who have entered data into the system and changes can be made on that form.

Is there a charge for having this information in the system?
No. The service is free of charge to all individuals.

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